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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bangs of the future

Hi there, I had a hair rebond and hair cut at Salon de Orient in Kamuning and I want to show you the result. My new hair is a masterpiece of my long time hairdresser Ryan. He really knows what he's doing and what I wanted. I must say I love what I see whenever I look at the mirror.

Here is another photo of me before the transformation occured. Always had my hair up since a hair down would be a disaster.

Wedding invitation

It's my sister's wedding and here's a glimpse of her diy wedding invitation.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The rainmaker - John Grisham

Bought this in the book sale at trinoma while waiting for my sister to finish her facial. I heard this became a movie in 1997. I was still 5 years old at that time so i wasnt able to watch it. Reading the book itself sounds better though.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hair undone

Okay, i wasn't able to have some haircut today. Wednesday maybe. PiandrĂ© at trinoma mall has a cut-off by 7pm and unluckily we have arrived 5 minutes later and they're not willing to admit us. Anyway, i guess rules are rules so we might need some appointment by next visit. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The night before my haircut

IIt's been a while since I last posted a blog or even write something about my thoughts. I am more into instagram lately and i found out looking at photos is way easier than reading lengthy blogs. But now i realized blogs are way more informative. Anyway, its 1:53 in the morning and i cant even sleep, thinking if i should get my haircut tomorrow or not. The conflict in this situation is or at least the conflict i am making up is losing some length would make my head bigger. A little bit ironic but its true aince i got some curly hair. Long hair makes it easier to fix yet its heavy and it makes my head ache. After all said and done. I guess i must sleep now and stop this nonsense. Looking forward to my next senseless blog. At least writing is makes. Way for my head to clear up before i sleep. So if you might notice thoughts before you sleep that seems important doesnt really make any sense. LOL ( my mom quoted that this morning and it made me laugh, how the hell she knows things like that) au revoir! I just googled this photos and piccollage-d it. Which would you prefer? Oh how i love both of them.